Where’s Chase?

James Nosek | Press Box Perspectives Editor/Columnist

Everyone loves a rowdy student section; it is what makes high school sports fun to watch and fun to be a part of. Mason’s Black Hole is a quality student section and it has been for a lot of years, but the last few seasons have been in the dark ages.

If that’s true or not, in the Mason-Fairfield game last night, the “hole” might be making a strong comeback and becoming relevant once again. In the Fairfield game, it was barely even half way full, but it was one of the loudest outings by the fellow “black holeigans” in a while.

What put it over last night was one small, but perfectly executed student section stunt by Chase Scheuer. The senior put on a white shirt, over his Black Hole shirt, and made a smooth, secretive walk over to the other side of Fairfield arena, to the Fairfield student section. You could hear Black Hole leader Marcus Otte starting to say, “Where’s Chase?” as he pointed over to the other side of the court.

Scheuer, performing the stunt magically, moved to the Fairfield student section and started to head down the aisle.

Now Chase is a very funny guy, always has a smile on, but for those few minutes, he wore a mask of deception.

He kept moving down the aisle, so naturally, as he entered into one of the aisles of seats and blended in with the Fairfield crowd.

Where’s Chase again?

Everyone in the “hole” at this point was in amazement as they looked at Scheuer from across the court in the opponent’s section; he had a face that was priceless, no emotion at all. Chase was an Indian for those few minutes and every person in that Fairfield section thought he was as well.

Then finally you just heard a really loud…

“Where is Chase?” (clap, clap, clap) “Where is Chase?” (clap, clap, clap)

From the other side of the court, Scheuer very gradually took off the white-t as he started yelling and pointing at his Mason shirt.

Everyone knew where he was at that point.

He did a little Kobe Bryant as he flashed his shirt forward, yelling and drawing the attention of the whole arena. It was executed to absolute perfection.

After many Fairfield students tried to make a scene with Scheuer, he was escorted by administration for his safety and all you could hear was a bunch of “boos” as administration moved him back to the Mason student section. Everyone thought he was in trouble but really he was a “Black Hole” hero.

Once again, it was executed to perfection and really, it made the 54-52 win over Fairfield that much more special.

It was a great move by the Black Hole and it even gave the idea to the Fairfield student section who tried to copy the same move multiple times but really they just failed tremendously as the “hole” chanted “we just did that.”

All night both student sections bantered back and forth with each other, both deserve credit but come on, Mason took the cake and Scheuer put over the crowd with that move.

All the eyes were on Chase Scheuer for those few minutes but really all the eyes were on the Black Hole and the 4-1 Comets.